Kamis, 27 Agustus 2015

The 2nd International Conference On Entrepreneurship (ICOEN) on August 27-29th, 2015

Paper ini di presentasikan pada ICOEN 27 Agustus 2015
di Universitas Ciputra, Surabaya


Tias A. Indarwati, SE., MM
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Surabaya

R.A. Sista Paramita, S.E., M.Si
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Surabaya


This research is to identify outline scheme of company strategy by mapping the business of electronic device dealer using Business Model Canvas (BMC), then analyzing the revenue stream area (income) and cost structure (cost) in the established BMC. The conclusion based on BMC, there are nine factors that must be observed. First, value of suppliers of electronic devices business, which is focuses on fire alarm and finger spot. Second, the customer segmentation were broaden to entire storey building and shopping centers (malls). Third factor is the closeness between the business to the customer by adding member discount and bonus. Fourth, customers also interested in membership offer with major facilities of guaranteed. Fifth, key resources of this business is to develop technicians and administrators since its development focusing on new products Security Hardware and marketing of products. Sixth, from process side, main activity should add supporting activities to support the progress that has been made, for examples, updating the company's website more often, receive consultation from any prospective customers who require Security hardware, and provide service to the consumer that is fitted to their services. Seventh, partnership is important as a drive for improving company performance, especially for partner suppliers for Finger Print and Fire Prevention. Eighth, main income of this business is including income for sales and service. Ninth, necessary costs to create value for customers consist of promotion cost, delivery and labor cost. By considering revenue stream and cost structure to analyzes financial feasibility, proper decision may be made from this business. Therefore, this business may be categorized into proper and operable.
Keywords: Business Model Canvas, Nine factors, Business Plan,Company Strategy , Financial feasibility

1.    Introduction
Economic growth cause the demand for goods and services increasingly diverse. Therefore, many business emerge such as small and medium businesses to provide the demand. Every business development requires investments that are tailored to business objectives and form business entities. One objective of the establishment of business is for profit/gain or social nature to assist communities in providing the necessary infrastructure. There is also a well established with the aim to profit while also delivering social services. In practice, a social business also needs to make a profit so it is able to finance their own businesses so as not to rely on donors (Kasmir and Jakfar, 2006).
In a business, it’s  necessary to analize the business to determine the project’s feasibility. Study the feasibility of a project is necessary to review whether the project is feasible in some aspects, such as technical, managerial and administrative aspects, organizational aspects, commercial aspects, economic aspects and financial aspects. Not all projects include consideration of the fifth aspect. However, in making an investment decision required the consideration of the financial aspects. From the investors side, the investment would be interesting if favorable. It can be seen from how much profit to be gained. Some SMEs in Indonesia engaged in services. Services are often viewed as a complex phenomenon. Basically services are all economic activity results are not a product in physical form or construction, and consumed at the same time with the resulting time and provide added value, such as those that provide services consumer products, both tangible and intangible, such as transport, entertainment, restaurant, education. Goods/services turnover required supplier’s role or distributor to distribute a product that has been produced by the manufacturer to the consumer. Feasibility level of SMEs can be viewed from the aspect of marketing, operations, human resources, finance, and supporting aspects such as the environment and the law.
As the development of future technologies, now many companies use security technology and efficiency of activity of the company. To communicate remotely, nowadays some companies do not wear a telephone network. Then comes the PABX, a telephone system which is commonly referred to as a switchboard which is used as an internal phone system in the office. This network does not use the usual local provider, therefore the PABX safer to maintain the privacy of the company.
In addition the company's security systems have been utilizing today's technology is CCTV, in the form of complementary security cameras and recorders. It has been widely used in industries such as military, airports, shops, offices, factories and now many housing have use this technology. Therefore, the researchers choose CV. Alfindo Electronik that engaged in supplying electronic devices as the subject of this research. In order for companies to remain competitive, it is necessary to develop appropriate business strategies to approach the business model canvas. Then, the purpose of this study is to Develop a draft business model innovation and fire alarm products Fingerprint using Business Model Canvas.

2.    Basic Theory
2.1 Feasibility
2.1.1 Business Feasibility Study
A business should always be monitored by the owner to run as expected. Advancement or benefit (benefits) obtained in carrying out a business activity / project, called the feasibility study or also commonly referred tofeasibility study. Feasibility study is a material consideration in taking a decision, whether receives or rejects of a business idea / project planned to consider the benefits, both in terms of financial benefits and in terms of social benefits. Factors that need to be assessed in preparing the feasibility study is concerned with several aspects, among others: a) Aspects of Marketing b) Technical Aspects of Production c) Production Aspect d) Management Aspects e) Environmental Aspects, and f) Financial Aspects. Thus, if a business idea / project that has been declared as economically, than the implementation rarely fail unless due to uncontrollable factors such as latticework, fire, and other natural disasters which are beyond the reach of humans. Feasibility analysis using analysis of Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Net Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), to determine whether or not a business
2.1.2.      Aspects of research Feasibility Study Business
A. Aspects of Marketing
Marketing is a social process in which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want by creating, offering, and freely exchanging products of value with others (Kotler, 2005: 10). The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so that the product or service that fits with the customer and then sell itself. According Kotler (1999), the service is any activity that benefits one of the parties may offer another product that is essentially intangible and does not result in any ownership. Production may not be tied to a physical product. Service is all economic activity whose output is not a physical product or construction generally consumed at the time produced, and provide added value in the form (such as comfort, entertainment, or health) (Zethaml And Bitner 1996) Meanwhile, the company that provides service operations are those that give the consumer product and services, both tangible and intangible, such as transportation, entertainment, restaurants, and education. Service is a process or activity-which are intangible activities. Some things to consider in the marketing aspect of which is a) segmentation and determination of the market, b) Determination Strategy Services, c) Market Analysis, Internal, competitors, d) Distribution Services, e) Role of Physical Environment, f) Customer Satisfaction and Quality Services, g) Technology and Marketing Services, h) Marketing via the Internet.
B. Operational Aspects
Operations management is an activity to create products and services through the process of transforming inputs into outputs (Heizer & Render, 2008), which includes a series of activities of design, operation, and repair of systems that create and deliver products and services (Chase et al., 2006), tangible product or intangible product generated by manufacturing companies whose goods are physically visible, but service companies generate intangible product, the product exists only when done. For example, delivery service, education for the students, and the transfer of funds.
In operations management, activities alter the transformation of inputs into outputs. Inputs include raw materials, customers, or products derived from other systems. Transformational process is categorized as physical (in the manufacturing company), location (such as transport companies), exchange (such as the retail business), aberrations (such as warehouse), physiological (such as in health care), and informational (such as the telecommunications company). The role of surgery is to create value to customers.
Service or services (services) is defined as an economic activity that generates time, place, form, and uses psychological (Haksever et al., 2000). Services are activities, process, and interactions, as well as a change in the condition of a person or thing in the possession of the customer (Edvardson et al., 2005). Services are comprehensive structure and consistently used in all aspects. According Edvardson et al., (2005) which focuses on demand to customers, the service is everything on an abstract level can be operationalized and interpreted in different ways.
In a service company, the customer is input. The service provided by the service provider can not be held without the presence of the customer as input the service. Ownership services can only be perceived by customers. In addition, information is also required as input into a service company. Industry services can also be measured the same as the manufacturing industry, by assessing the productivity, service quality, and efficiency (Johnston, 2005). Those things are very important for service companies to respond effectively to the needs of customers. According to Sampson and Froehle (2006) there are five characteristics of the service, namely the heterogeneity or diversity, simultaneity, easily damaged, difficult to understand or do not appear, and the participation of the customer.
The importance of determining the location
Site selection decision is very important for the overall services business strategy. Criteria for the location of a service company is the ease of access by customers. The most important dimension in choosing the location of a service company is its flexibility, the position of competitors, demand management, and site selection strategy fokus. Some people used clustering, competitive saturated marketing, marketing intermediaries, substituting the communication, the separation of front office and back office, the influence of the internet, and consideration of the place (Fritzsimmons & Fritzsimmons, 2008).
Strategy services
Service company can survive in the competition if it is able to create value for stakeholders include customers, employees, suppliers, shareholders, and the general public. It can be obtained by first giving satisfaction to the employees who deal directly with customers. With employees who are satisfied they can give satisfaction to the pelanggannya.Strategi service operations should pay attention to the framework of The Service Strategy Triad.

C. Aspects of Human Resources (HR)
Human resource management is critical for companies to manage, organize, and utilize employees so that they can function productively for the achievement of corporate objectives. Human resources in the company need to be managed in a professional manner in order to realize a balance between the needs of employees with the demands and capabilities of the organization. Setting human resource professional it is expected that employees can work productively (Mangkunagara, 2005: 1).
Human resource management (Human Resources Management) is the utilization, development, assessment, granting remuneration, and management of individual members of the organization or group of employees. (Simamora, 2004: 4) .Aspek human resources to be one issue that is important in a company, because human resources is considered as a driver of other resources within the company. Besides, human resources can create efficiency and effectiveness of the company. With the human resources manager or head of the effective requires companies to seek and find the best way to empower existing employees within the organization so that the desired objectives can be achieved by managing, organizing and utilizing human resources. Some points to consider in the aspect of human resource management is a) Structure and Job Descriptions, b) Procurement of Labor, c) Training and Development, d) Job Performance Assessment, f) Provision of Compensation, g) Pattern Empowerment of Human Resources, h) Maintenance Workers
D. Financial Aspects
Subagio (2007), discusses the economic and financial aspects of capital requirements and the necessary investment in the establishment, development and summarize the planned venture in the form of financial statements (balance sheet, profit / loss, and cash flow), and analyzed to determine eligibility these efforts. The purpose of the analysis is to evaluate the overall aspect of the discussion of each aspect in need of funds and working capital into investment analysis is reviewed from time capital controls (payback period), the rate of return (rate of return), the control level of investment (return on investment), and a net present value (net present value). According to Kashmir and Jafar (2007) assessment of the financial aspects include sources of funding will be obtained and the need for investment investasi.Penilaian costs and an analysis of the priority order can be done by the method of payback period, net present value, internal rate of return, and profabilitas index as well as the break-even point.
E. Aspects Supporters
a.    Legal Aspects
In starting a business feasibility study generally starts from the legal aspects, although many are doing it from another aspect. The purpose of the legal aspect is researching the validity, perfection, and the authenticity of documents owned.
b.   Types of Business Licenses
In practice, there are various permits. The number of licenses required depend on the type of business carried on. The permit consist of a list of companies, tax registration number, business licenses, certificate of land or securities owned. Licenses other companies to be immediately sent to business owners and to be assessed by the assessor is in accordance with business type and areas of the company. Licenses include: trading business license, business license industry, mining business licenses, business licenses hospitality and tourism, business license and the hospital pharmacy, livestock and agriculture business license, permit residence, where the company / project site is located, permit interference, permit construction of the building, permits foreign workers if companies use foreign labor.
c.    Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA)
EIA is a tool used to control environmental changes caused by a business. Based on Government Regulation No. 27, 1999, article 1, paragraph 1, the EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) is a study of major and significant impacts of a business and / or planned activities on the environment that is necessary for the decision-making process.
2.2. Business Model Canvas
According to Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010: 10), business model innovation is something completely new. The business model describes the rationale of how to create value for the company, customers, and communities. According to Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010: 15) explains that the Business Model Canvas is a business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value.
This canvas divides business models into nine major components, then separated again become a component of the right (the creative side) and left (side logic). Just like the human brain. The nine components are as follows (sorted from right to left). Customer Segments, Value propositions, Channel, Customer Relationships, Revenue Streams, Key Resources, Key Activities, Key Partnerships, Cost Structure. By using the Business Model Canvas, which can be done projections of financial analysis. The components needed to make projections of financial analysis are: First Revenue Stream is the main income and other income. Both Cost Structure yaitubiaya production, marketing expenses, research and development costs, administrative expenses and taxes.
The following is an explanation of each component in the Business Model Canvas:
a). Customer segments: Building Blocks describes the customer segment or a different group of people who want to reach or serviced by the company.
b). Value propositions: Building Blocks proportion of value describe a combination of products and services that create value for specific customer segments. Value proposition creates value for customer segments through different alloy elements that serve the needs of the segment. The resulting value can be quantitative (eg, price and speed of service) or qualitative (eg, design and customer experience).
c). Channels: Its about how a company communicates with its customers and reach out to those segments to provide psoporsi value.
d). Customer relationships: Building block wake customer relationship describes the various types of relationships that are built the company together with specific customer segments
e). Revenue streams: Its about cash flows generated revenue describe the company of each customer segment.
f). Key resources: Its about the main resource block describes the most important assets necessary for a functioning business model.
g). Key activities: This block key activities illustrate the most important things that must be done by the company that its business model can work
h). Key partnerships: Building Blocks describes the main partnership network of suppliers and partners who make a business model can work.
i). Cost Structure: It’s describing all expenses incurred to operate the business model.

3. Research Methodology
3.1. Object Research
       CV. Alfindo Electronic was founded in 2006 by Mr. Sunarto SE, the owner and start the business using only his private capital. With the encouragement from his professors when in college, he established his business and immediately took care all of its business license. The initial capital CV. Alfindo Electronik of one hundred million, to buy office supplies.
       In 2008 CV. Alfindo Electronik has experienced break even. To expand the market, CV. Alfindo launched a website which includes a wide range of products PABX and CCTV along with specifications and price. Currently the office CV. Alfindo Eng has moved to Griya Bhayangkara Sidoarjo, which closer to the owners’ home.
3.2. Data collection
The data was collected by interviewing the owners about what is consumer’s desired, a market survey about the price compared to similar products, and financial projection analysis
3.3. Data Processing
Figure 3.1: Framework Research

4.1 Analysis Business Model Canvas
4.1.1 Customer Segment
CV. Electronic Alfindo’s market targets at the beginning are hotel, apartments, and office buildings. Market segments were developed throughout storey building and shopping centers. It is current security equipment (Security Hardware) is needed by all the buildings and shopping centers into a new target market considering the number of malls in major cities.
4.1.2 Value propositions
Flexibility in scheduling the installation of the product that has been purchased, bringing the hallmark of CV. Electronic Alfindo of companies engaged in the same field. The importance of collateral which is one of the service quality is indicated by the CV. Electronic Alfindo to provide free maintenance for 6 months after installation of the product. CV. Alfindo Electronic Security Hardware certainly choose products with the best quality in Indonesia is Fingerspot for products Finger Print, and Hochiki for Fire Prevention products.
4.1.3 Channels
To facilitate prospective customers who require products Security Hardware, the company provides a website that contains all the products offered by the company with complete specifications. Open community comprised of business people in the field so that the consumer can consult and aware the products needed.
4.1.4 Customer Relationship
To maintain relationships with consumers authors add members discounts and bonuses to consumers so that consumers do not switch to another company. What is meant here is to give a discount price cuts ordered products on condition that the purchase of products so the unit. And the bonus is intended to provide services such as cabling LAN (Local Area Network) is always needed every company that each activity using a computer.
4.1.5 Revenue Streams
CV benefits. Electronic Alfindo after a development has been given by the author is from sales of new products and services are provided to consumers who have similar products.
4.1.6 Key Resources
To support the development of the company CV. Electronic Alfindo badly needed human resources competent considering the company is only engaged in the service. CV. Electronic Alfindo focused to develop technicians and administrators of the company since its development focusing on new Hardware Security products and product marketing.
4.1.7 Key Activities
For the activities of companies that have developed, CV. Electronic Alfindo must add activities to support the progress that has been made. The first is a routine update the company's website every new item that appears. The second is receiving consultation from any prospective customers who require products Security hardware. The third is to give service to the consumer's property is fitted wear our services or services of another company.
4.1.9 Cost Structure
Costs incurred to perform development are:
1.      Promotion
a.       Create a brochure with a cost of Rp 500,000 @ 2rim
b.      Cost of Internet for online activities of Rp 300,000 @ 1 month
c.       The cost of website creation of Rp 2,000,000
2.      Transport or delivery is done using a truck with the following pricing details
         Rp 7,400 x 10 liters = Rp 74,000 for 1 day
3.      Employee Salary
Technicians Rp 2,750,000, Admin Rp 2,750,000, and The driver Rp 150,000 / order

4.2 Calculation of Financial Aspects
Table 2:
Production Capacity
Rp 7.000.000
Office Equipment
Office Table
Office Chair
Air Conditioner
tool set

3 set

Rp 15.000.000
Rp 8.800.000
Rp 4.800.000
Rp 2.400.000
Rp 800.000
Rp 8.400.000
Rp 4.500.000
Rp 267.500.000
Rp 319.200.000
Previously, CV Alfindo Electronics sells services and products PABX and CCTV. Seeing the development of the construction of multi-storey buildings and offices in Surabaya, estimated there will be an opportunity to sell fire alarm solution and fingerprint engine. Fire alarm products of Hochiki and Fingerspot solution for Presence fingerprint machine. In addition Hochiki is a pioneer of early fire detection products have been selling their products not only in the region but also to Europe and the United States. Fingerspot a product presence of highly qualified fingerprint made in the country which is also the official peer digital persona USA.
Table 3:
Hush button

1.       Hush button
 Rp  1.300.000
2.       Stainless steel hush button
 Rp  3.058.600

1.       ACB Fixed temperature/ROR heat sensor, no base
 Rp  1.042.800
2.       ACB-E/W Fixed temperature/ROR heat sensor, weatherproof, no base
 Rp  1.997.000
3.       ACA-E Multi-sensor, no base
 Rp  1.400.000
4.       ALG-EN Photo-electric smoke sensor, no base
 Rp  1.042.800
5.       AIE-E Ionisation smoke sensor, no base
 Rp  1.040.000
6.       YBN-R/3 Sensor base
 Rp     100.000
Manual call points

1.       HCP-E(SCI) Addressable call point with isolator, flush, red (no back box)
 Rp     943.000
2.       HCP-DPS Addressable call point with isolator, flush, red, dual pole (no back box)
 Rp  1.994.200
3.       HCP-W Addressable call point, red, weatherproof c/w back box
 Rp  4.142.800
4.       SR Surface mounting back box, red
 Rp        71.400
5.       SR-IT Surface mounting back box, red, 1 terminal for SF3370HD
 Rp     100.000

1.       YBO-R/SCI Short circuit isolator base, needs SAFP755C for stand alone use
 Rp     542.800
2.       S/ICAP Isolator cover for wall mounting SF308HEI
 Rp        43.000
Loop powered sounders & beacons

1.       YBO-BS Loop powered base sounder
 Rp  1.257.000
2.       YBO-BS Loop powered base sounder with beacon
 Rp  1.542.800
3.       CHO-WS2 Loop powered 100dB wall mounting sounder
 Rp  1.197.200
4.       YBO-R/3 Red isolator base
 Rp     528.400
5.       WS2-WPK Weatherproof kit
 Rp     282.800
6.       YBO- R/3 Red mounting base
 Rp        62.000
7.       YBO-RSCI R/3 Red isolator base
 Rp     481.800
8.       SI/CAP Cover for sounder /isolator
 Rp        43.000
9.       CHQ-AB Loop powered beacon, amber/blue
 Rp  1.000.000
Loop powered interface modules & ancillaries

1.       CHQ-DSC Dual sounder controller c/w isolator
 Rp  2.571.400
2.       CHQ-DRC Dual relay controller c/w isolator, loop powered
 Rp  2.054.200
3.       CHQ-MRC Mains relay controller c/w isolator, loop powered
 Rp  1.805.600
4.       CHQ-Z Dual zone monitor
 Rp  2.728.400
5.       CHQ-SZM Single zone monitor c/w isolator, loop powered
 Rp  1.557.000
6.       CHQ-DIM Dual zone monitor c/w isolator, loop powered
 Rp  1.494.200
7.       CHQ-BOX I/O box
 Rp     234.200
8.       CHQ-/ARI Loop powered remote indicator
 Rp     943.400
9.       O/CALG/SLR Outer cover removal tool
 Rp     234.200
10.    TCH-B100 Hand held address programmer
 Rp  2.785.600
*) 1 GPB = Rp 20.000

Table 4:
FINGERSPOT Professional Series
Standalone Fingerprint with 3.000 fingerprint capacity, 100.000 Records Capacity, 3.0 inch TFT color screen, printer, internal backup battery, TCP/IP, Wall Mounted, USB Flash Disk
Rp 5.900.000
FINGERSPOT Hybrid Plus Series     
Fingerprint with 1.200 Face Capacity, 3.000 Fingerprint Capacity, 100.000 Records Capacity, RS232/485 & TCP/IP Communication, USB Flash Disk Support, Photo ID, High Resolution Color & Infrared Camera, Access Control Support and Backup Battery (optional)
Rp 4.500.000
FINGERSPOT Elegant Series                               

Fingerprint with 8.000 Fingerprint Capacity, 50.000 Card Capacity, 500.000 Record Capacity, RS232/485 & TCP/IP Communication, Access Control Support, Up to 500 dpi Resolution, USB flash disk Support, Wall Mounted
Rp 4.100.000
FINGERSPOT Multimedia Series                     

Fingerprint with 50.000 Fingerprint Capacity, 500.000 Records, RS232/485 & TCP/IP Communication, RFID EM Card Reader built-in, 500dpi Resolution, Access Control Support, USB flash disk support, Photo ID, Camera, Web Server
Rp 3.600.000
FINGERSPOT FacePro 200 Plus                        

Face recognition with 200 Face capacity, 100.000 records capacity, TCP/IP, 3" TFT touch screen, USB flash disk supports, cheduled bell, workcode, wall mounted, Access Control Support
Rp 3.100.000
FINGERSPOT Enterprise 2000C

Standalone Fingerprint with 3.000 fingerprint capacity, 100.000 Records Capacity, RS 232, RS485, TCP/IP, Wall Mounted, USB Flash Disk Support
Rp 2.400.000
FINGERSPOT Elite Series                 

Fingerprint with 3.000 Fingerprint Capacity, 100.000 Record Capacity, RS232/485 & TCP/IP Communication, Access Control Support, USB flash disk Support, Wall Mounted
Rp 2.100.000
FINGERSPOT Premier Series                               

Fingerprint with 3,000 Fingerprint Capacity, 100.000 Records Capacity, 500dpi, USB Interface, RS232, RS485, TCP/IP, USB Flash Disk support, Web Server, Work Code, Short Messages, 3.0 Inch TFT Color LCD, Wall Mounted
Rp 1.950.000
FINGERSPOT Matrix Series Color                     
Standalone Fingerprint with 3.000 Fingerprint Capacity, 100.000 records capacity, TCP/IP, Up to 500dpi Resolution, USB flash disk support, Self query, Wall mounted
Rp 1.800.000

Fingerprint with 500 Fingerprint Capacity, 50.000 Transaction Capacity, 3.0 “ TFT Screen, USB flash disk Support,, Wall Mounted
Rp 1.550.000
FINGERSPOT ID               
Paket Aplikasi Scan Notaris dan PPAT (+ Fingerspot U.are.U 4500 sensor)         
Rp 1.500.000
FINGERSPOT Power Series                               
Fingerprint with 500 Fingerprint Capacity, 30.000 Records, RS485 & SD Card, Time Attendance and Access Control System, Wall Mounted
Rp 1.400,000
FINGERSPOT Deskpro Series                     
Standalone Fingerprint with 1.000 Fingerprint Capacity, 50.000 Record Capacity, Up to 500 dpi Resolution, USB Communication Port, Internal backup battery
Rp 1.400.000
FINGERSPOT Compact Series                     
Standalone Fingerprint with 1.000 Fingerprint Capacity, 50.000 Record Capacity, USB Communication Port, Internal Backup Battery
Rp 1.400.000
Paket Aplikasi Absensi Fingerspot FTM 4500 (free SDK) (+ Sensor sidik jari U.are.U 4500)
Rp 1.350.000
FlexCode SDK + Fingerspot U.are.U 4500 sensor, Small sensor equipped
Rp 1.250.000
7.1 Financial Statements
The financial aspect is important for the assessment of projected profits next year. Owner of CV Alfindo Electronik can take many decisions and create a new expanssion. The owner also need to calculate the cost of expenses such as the cost of raw materials and operating costs, because all the products are only delivered via the factory distributor and accepted by the dealers and mounted to consumers who order at a price that has been negotiated.
Table 5: Earning stream from 2014 to 2017

Total Income
Operational Cost
Gross Profit




Business Cost
Depreciation Cost




Tax (10%)

7.2 Investment Planning
Funding requirements of fixed assets
Table 6: Asset Position

Rp 7.000.000
Office Equipment
4 Office table
4 Office Chair
2 printer
2 Telephone
3 AC
9 tool set
1 car

Rp 15.000.000
Rp 8.800.000
Rp 4.800.000
Rp 2.400.000
Rp 800.000
Rp 8.400.000
Rp 4.500.000
Rp 267.500.000

Rp 319.200.000

Table 7: Operating Fund Needed
Year 2014
Labor costs
Rp 369.600.000
Rp 20.500.000
Rp 390.100.000

Table 8: General Fixed Costs
Average Cost /Month
Cost / year
Salaries of permanent employees
Rp   30.800.000
Rp  369.600.000
Cost of Health
Rp        100.000
Rp      1.200.000
Security Fee
Rp          50.000
Rp         600.000
Office Administrative costs
Rp        100.000
Rp      1.200.000
Tax Effort Transport
Rp        95.833
Rp    1.150.000 
Rp   16.162.167
Rp 193.946.000

7.3 Cash flow Plan
Table 9: Cash Flow Statement CV. Electronic Alfindo years 2014 – 2017
Increase in Cash
7.4 Feasibility Analysis of business
Net CF
cumulative cash flow
Pay back period  = 1 +((308.050.000-234.308.880)/ (478.518.660-234.308.880))

                               = 1 + 0.301955 year

                               = 1.301955 year
From the results above it can be concluded that the venture capital CV. Electronic Alfindo will be back after 1.3 years Net Present Value (NPV).
Net Cash Flow
DF (8%)
Present value (PV)

Total PV
Rp 686.536.310

Initial Investment
Rp 308.050.000

Rp 378.486.310

Because the NPV of cash flow positive value of Rp 378 486 310, where PV is greater than the initial investment of USD 686 536 310,> Rp 308.05 million, the investment is considered feasible.

Profitability Index (PI)
PI calculation : PI = Rp.686.536.310/234.308.880 = 2.9300481911. 
 Because PI> 1, then the investment is considered viable.
Payback period
11 bulan
Net present value
Profitability index
1.      The result of the calculation method of payback period indicates that the CV. Alfindo Electronic is feasible, due to return the initial capital require 11 months, less than the age of the business economy.
2.      The results of the calculation of NPV method shows the business is feasible, due to the 8% interest per year shows NPV
3.      The results of the calculation method of Profitability Index (PI) indicates the business is feasible because niliai PI> 1, so that the business investment plan is acceptable.

5. Conclusions and suggestions
5.1 Conclusion
From a comparison of the revenue stream, cost structure and analyze the payback period calculation showed that the payback period of 11 months, then the CV Alfindo Electronic is feasible. Designing a business model with tools of Business Model Canvas can describe company's business model strategy’s desain  so that they can find new ideas in business, especially in value propotion.
5.2 Suggestions
Based on this study,  Business Model Canvas can be used to generate alternative corporate strategies on business feasibility. However, subsequent research needs to be done to make the output of the Business Model Canvas is more reliable to be used as decision makers feasibility. Previously, CV Alfindo Electronics sells services and products PABX and CCTV. Seeing the development of the construction of multi-storey buildings and offices in Surabaya, there is estimated an opportunity to sell fire alarm solution and fingerprint engine presence, fire alarm products of Hochiki and Fingerspot solution for Presence fingerprint machine.
As well as the service to consumers CV. Alfindo Elektroni is still necessary for the development of products continuously to find a suitable formula. From these two patterns of future business models planned is an open business model. Open business model is to create value through collaboration with external partners. This business model may occur from outside and inside by exploring external ideas within the company. For the production target of the future investment needs to be increased and production costs also increased, so it can be used in future studies.

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